How would companies take advantage on us on collecting our personal data and selling?


As people always say some big social media platform would collect our personal data and sell to marketing company clfor market analysis, how would I be taken advantage? Would they have different use on photos or locations as well?

In: Technology

8 Answers

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Imagine a marketing firm wants to know what men between the ages of 15 and 25 want to buy?

How do they know?

Well, in the old days they used to do surveys do you remember those, in the malls?

Nowadays, they don’t need to do that because by data mining they can find out what people in that bracket want to buy.

Let’s say they pay Google to tell them what people are buying in that range and Google says “it looks like they want to buy this widget” well, how did they know that?

Essentially, they know that by looking at your browser history and your search patterns to determine your age and possibly more details about you. Even worse, they may ask you to provide that data to them like “hey tell us what your birthday is and we will send you a coupon” or something like that. They didn’t give you a gift, you just sold them information and that is how that data is used.

On the Internet, information is bought sold and treated like any other commodity and when you buy something you search for something you look for something you’re giving them data for them to advertise to you to try to sell you more things.

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