How would living with a lower gravity affect health negatively?


Specifically if you never go back to regular gravity. Ex: you go to live on another planet with say 3/4 Earth’s gravity and never return to Earth.

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16 Answers

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A few examples:

Your heart has evolved to pump your blut up to your Head against gravity. With lower gravity, the blood pressure in some parts of your body will be to high and in others (the legs for example) to low.

Your bones loose density. This leads to them breaking more easily.

Your muscles will reduce, wich further increases risk of injury and this might also increase risk of heart failure or breathing problems.

Your eyes probably will get worse, because they would have higher internal pressure (because of point 1)

Your body will react to the high blood pressure by reducing the total amount of blood cells beeing produced, but this won’t fix the blood pressure problem, but will cause more problems.

In short: people in low gravity will get sick more often, will be weaker (in strength and impunity to sickness) and thus probably won’t get as old.

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