Awhile back I helped pull a couple of guys who’d gotten their truck stuck in the sand out using a couple of heavy cargo straps that I had in my truck.
One of the guys put a blanket over the straps and said it would dissipate the energy should the straps snap. It sounded plausible to me, but curious if it’s a legit claim.
In: 72
I have read a few responses and most aren’t covering the true details or are wrong. So here goes..
This problem can be reduced down to a simple [“spring, mass & damper” system](
When one car pulls the chain, it stores potential energy inside the chain. Upon a quick breaking of the chain. That energy is released in the form of a “force vector”. Which is a concentrated release of energy in a specific direction.
By adding a blanket, we are introducing a non-rigid body into the equation. This blanket disperses the concentrated force vector into every other possible direction. Essentially diffusing the energy.
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