: How’s it that just 400 cables under the ocean provides all the internet to entire world and who actually owns and manages these cables


Just saw [this post](https://www.instagram.com/reel/CrivNA3LNel/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=) and I know it’s a very oversimplification, but what are these cables and what do they exactly do ? And who repairs, manages these cables.

In: 13216

18 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

the “just 400” cables each bundle several fibre optic fibres, for example [this new cable between north America and Japan](https://cloud.google.com/blog/products/infrastructure/topaz-subsea-cable-connects-canada-and-asia):

> The width of a garden hose, the Topaz cable will house 16 fiber pairs, for a total capacity of 240 Terabits per second

240 terabits is “how much” goes through that cable. but what does that mean again? 240.000 gigabit is 240,000,000 megabit is 240,000,000,000 kilobit.

a nice video stream needs up to 14,000 kilobit.

how many of these fit through that cable? 240,000,000,000 ÷ 14,000 ≈ 17,143,000 seventeen million different 4k video streams. or, same math but other resolutions: HD 1024p 34 million, hd720p 70million

that is, eli5, _a lot_ lot.

[not eli5 video bandwidth needs table](https://support.video.ibm.com/hc/en-us/articles/207852117-Internet-connection-and-recommended-encoding-settings)

long story short: even though existing cables each provide less capacity (e.g. “only” four fibre pairs), all ~~400~~ 500 of them together provide enough “data highway” for the world.

sibling comments have provided insight into who operates them, and how they are put there and so on.

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