: How’s it that just 400 cables under the ocean provides all the internet to entire world and who actually owns and manages these cables


Just saw [this post](https://www.instagram.com/reel/CrivNA3LNel/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=) and I know it’s a very oversimplification, but what are these cables and what do they exactly do ? And who repairs, manages these cables.

In: 13216

18 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Imagine the internet as a bunch of libraries. When a book is printed it can be shipped to multiple libraries. The more popular it is the more libraries it is sent to so the more likely a library close to you has the book. When you want a book you go to the nearest library that has it and check out the book. If it’s a popular book you’ll likely have to travel less than a rarer book to find it. Since the libraries are fixed locations there is a relatively smaller number of paths needed to ship the books to various libraries. The much larger number of paths if between the libraries and individual users. Also books can be transferred between libraries for you to pick up from closer libraries. This is done through the smaller number of routes between libraries.

The internet works in similar ways. There are a bunch of servers which are like the libraries. They store the webpages which are like the books. A webpage will be stores on multiple servers with the more popular ones being on a larger number of servers. When you enter the website into your browser is sends a request which looks for the nearest server with that website. If there aren’t close ones it can be sent from farther servers to the closer ones like a book being transferred from a farther library to a closer one. You then get the website from that closer server.

You need fewer connections between the servers since they’re smaller in number and fixed locations. The larger number of connections needed is between the servers and customers. That way you don’t need direct connections to far servers overseas. Data from the overseas server is sent to the closer server and then to you.

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