: How’s it that just 400 cables under the ocean provides all the internet to entire world and who actually owns and manages these cables


Just saw [this post](https://www.instagram.com/reel/CrivNA3LNel/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=) and I know it’s a very oversimplification, but what are these cables and what do they exactly do ? And who repairs, manages these cables.

In: 13216

18 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

As of 2022, it’s almost 500 cables. Those cables are only direct connections from overseas country to overseas country. The connections *within* a country are numerous, and if two countries have land-based borders, it’s likely that there are multiple network connections across those borders. There are also satellite-based connections that aren’t mapped which tend to be slower. It’s all part part of making the internet resistant to damage (earthquakes, war, inadvertent backhoe use, etc.)

The latest map of the oversea cable network is here: [https://submarine-cable-map-2022.telegeography.com](https://submarine-cable-map-2022.telegeography.com)

Some of the connections are owned by governments. Others are owned by companies. There’s probably one or two that are owned by actual individuals. Management depends on how they “important” they are. There are government-owned mission critical connections that are either managed by that country’s civil defense forces or by independent contractors. The ones owned by companies are either managed by the company itself or farmed out to contractors. Usually it’s a mix. And the ones owned by individuals are likely maintained by whoever has the contract to maintain it.

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