I just had some of my mom’s leftover spaghetti, and I realized that it always has a slightly more bitter taste in the morning after being reheated. What causes this kind of reaction?


It happens both when stored in pyrex or tupperware.
Ingredients aren’t anything unusual; onions, garlic, hamburger, tomato paste, etc.
Tastes sweeter when fresh off of the stove, but has a more bitter taste when reheated as leftovers.

In: 159

33 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments


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Anonymous 0 Comments

When I make Moms Spaghetti I use a little bit of Pepsi to give it the sweet taste but don’t tell anyone my secret ingredient

Anonymous 0 Comments

You’re actually just nervous about your impending battle with Papa Doc (rap battle against the Cranbrook fool, not physical battle against the Haitian strongman)

Anonymous 0 Comments

Was it on your sweater already?

Anonymous 0 Comments

Try keeping the pasta and sauce separate while refrigerating if you weren’t doing that already, helps prevent what you’re describing

Anonymous 0 Comments

Did you just brush your teeth?

Anonymous 0 Comments

I’ve only noticed that my spaghetti tastes better the next day, so i guess my experience is opposite lol

Anonymous 0 Comments

This guy uses hamburger in spaghetti?! Mamma mia close your ears.