I keep hearing that empty office buildings are an economic time bomb. I keep hearing that housing inventory is low which is why house prices are high. Why can’t we convert offices to homes?


I keep hearing that empty office buildings are an economic time bomb. I keep hearing that housing inventory is low which is why house prices are high. Why can’t we convert offices to homes?

In: 4298

25 Answers

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99% Invisible just did a podcast about this. Long story short, completely different plumbing, floorplans, and building codes. It can be done, but you’re basically demolishing the interior and replacing it with a new one.

You need to convert one big bathroom with several small ones. Bedrooms need windows access. Each unit needs its own breaker panel and thermostat. Parking regulations are different for office versus residential.

Also, zoning. Cities have to be on board with it or they won’t approve it.

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