Yeah pretty much
Think of it like your body has a favorite place to store fat, a second favorite place to store date, a third favorite place to store fat, and so on.
Now, why your body has these preferences, that’s more complicated, there’s factors relating to body type, biological sex, and genetic stuff and a number of other factors, but ultimately all that adds up to mean your body has a favorite, second favorite, third favorite…and so on place to store fat. Everyone is unique with this but most people follow pretty common patterns based on a handful of factors like I mentioned
So let’s say you start skinny and gain weight, your body is first going to put the excess fat in its favorite place to store fat, then as you keep gaining weight, your body will start putting in its second favorite spot to put it…and so on. Now, let’s say you gained enough to where your body started putting fat in its 10th favorite place to store fat. Well, as you lose weight, it’s going to start with pulling it from it’s 10th favorite place, right? Because the alternative is removing it from places it prefers to store it first.
Now in reality, maybe your body’s favorite place to store fat is the front of your stomach, then the second favorite is your butt, but then maybe the 3rd favorite is the front of your stomach again, then the 4th favorite might be your butt again. “Preferences” like these where they repeat the pattern are totally ok and it works the same, your body is going to prioritize having fat in its favorite spots. It just might mean that it wants the first 5 extra pounds in your stomach, pounds 6-10 in your butt, then extra pounds 11-12 in your stomach again, etc etc.
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