I know some worms can turn into two worms when cut in half; do the two worms develop consciousness? Do they think seperately or as one? Can they develop two different personalities? I have so many questions.


I know some worms can turn into two worms when cut in half; do the two worms develop consciousness? Do they think seperately or as one? Can they develop two different personalities? I have so many questions.

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2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Even your first question is like three levels beyond the actual extent of our knowledge.

To answer your first question, we’d have to know that worms are conscious, we have no real evidence of that.

Because we don’t know if consciousness even extends beyond the humans species.

And that’s because we can’t even define consciousness in beings that we do say are conscious.

So in a nutshell, we don’t know, and until we can pin down a question that’s been asked for millennia, we can never know.

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