I know TVs and phones are made of green, red, and blue pixels, but how do they make all colors just from those three colors?


I know TVs and phones are made of green, red, and blue pixels, but how do they make all colors just from those three colors?

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4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

In your eyes are special cells called “cones” of which there are three types. Each cone responds to different wavelengths of light, roughly: red, green, and blue.

The colors you perceive are just electrochemical signals sent to your brain from those cones and those cones are activated by different intensities of red, green, and blue wave lengths.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Because you can mix any color from green, red and blue light.

So every pixel you see on screen is several colored pixel together.

Anonymous 0 Comments

They can’t. We just decided that the RGB system of color is the most efficient for technological applications, and the easiest to apply to nearly any modern device. It also corresponds to the biological system we use in our eyes. You can make over 16,000,000 different colors just by mixing red, green, and blue, but there are still in theory an infinite amount of color they can’t reproduce. Remember that color is derived from the visible region of the electromagnetic spectrum. Add a decimal place to your unit, and boom, you have a new color!

Anonymous 0 Comments

They roughly correspond to the structures in our eyes. We have structures in our eyes called rods and cones. Rods are more about peripheral vision, and low/bright light (among other things). We have 3 cone structures. One responds to red wavelengths, one responds to green, and one responds to blue. All the colors we can see are a combination of how these cones talk to our brain.