I see many people are using the term “natural selection” lately, but i never understood it (fyi i am not a native speaker) to me it just seems like people are just trying to act smart by mentioning this term (with no context). Please, explain like im 5


I see many people are using the term “natural selection” lately, but i never understood it (fyi i am not a native speaker) to me it just seems like people are just trying to act smart by mentioning this term (with no context). Please, explain like im 5

In: Biology

8 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

“Natural selection” is a term relating to the theory of evolution, where only the strongest/smartest/most fit animals survive to make the next generation, because all of the weak/stupid/worst adapted ones die off early on and take themselves out of the gene pool (meaning, the population that will reproduce.)


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