“I think, Therefore I am”

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Maybe I’m just small brained but I’ve never understood this phrase

In: Other

26 Answers

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It’s the results of an exercise in extreme skepticism.

For example, let’s ask a very simple question. What color is the sky?

This morning it was blue, but what if it’s changed since the last time I’ve seen it?

People tell me it’s blue, but what if they are all lying to me?

I’m looking at it right now and it seems blue, but what if I’m hallucinating?

In fact, what if every single thing I’ve ever seen and experienced is just a dream or hallucination or simulation?

What if anything can you be certain of?

You can only be certain that you exist. The fact that you are able to think about the question proves that you exist. If not, there would be nothing to think about the question.

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