Ideal gas laws.


what are some common, everyday examples that demonstrate each of the gas laws?

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4 Answers

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Here’s a great example you can do yourself: put a balloon into the freezer! If you don’t have a balloon handy, [here’s a video]( of liquid nitrogen being poured over a balloon. This is cooling off the air in the balloon, reducing the T (temperature) in PV=nrT. Rearranging this yields that V (volume) V=nrT/P. Since we are reducing T and keeping everything else the same, the volume of the gas should decrease. And that’s exactly what we see happening!

For the opposite effect, look up marshmallows in a vacuum chamber. Marshmallows have air trapped inside them (which is why they are so fluffy), and this air expands as the pressure drops. This is reducing the value of P (pressure), and reducing the value of P means V will increase. So, you’ll see the marshmallows swell up in size!

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