If a sleep cycle is approximately 90 minutes, how can 8 hours be the recommended sleep time?


Isn’t waking up mid-cycle sub optimal?

In: 8

15 Answers

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The 8 hours everyone is talking about is not necessarily ideal. Some people need 6 hours, some need 10. Very few can manage on 4 or need 12. If you graph it out, the peak lies somewhere around 8 hours.
It’s like saying most people wear t-shirts size M. It has no bearing on what your size is. Maybe you wear S, or maybe XXL. They are both equally valid. But when a large retailer orders a batch of shirts, they know already they will sell most M, then a large amount of S and L, and some of the smaller/bigger sizes.
This doe not imply that M is “better”, and likewise, 8 hours does not have to fit you.

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