If a wire carrying current produces magnetic field around it, why its not attracted to nearby metals ? In a general household.


If a wire carrying current produces magnetic field around it, why its not attracted to nearby metals ? In a general household.

In: 477

27 Answers

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>ELI5: If a wire carrying current produces magnetic field around it, why its not attracted to nearby metals ? In a general household.

It is.

However, a general household uses [Romex-style](https://images.homedepot.ca/productimages/p_1000108206.jpg?product-images=m) wiring. That means that in addition to the wire carrying current in one direction, producing a magnetic field of a certain polarity, there is a second wire carrying current in the opposite direction, producing a magnetic field of the opposite polarity. These two magnetic fields cancel each other out, and the net effect is no magnetic field and no attraction to nearby metals.

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