if an anchor is heavy enough to hold a ship in place, how does the ship not sink when hauling it?


if an anchor is heavy enough to hold a ship in place, how does the ship not sink when hauling it?

In: 12

19 Answers

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Because an anchor isn’t just a weight that sits on the bottom. It has [teeth that dig it to the bottom](https://media.istockphoto.com/id/154246219/photo/anchor-in-sand-under-the-water.jpg?s=1024×1024&w=is&k=20&c=sM6HVjldklTj0T4E6iP65kpPnsu9cxvWODvMFmld_wc=) and resist the pull of the ship tugging on it. If it was able to hold the ship by weight alone, they would just make them in a simple block shape since that would be easier to manufacture and smaller (and therefore cheaper). The fact that anchors are… [anchor-shaped](https://media.istockphoto.com/id/531062471/photo/anchor-in-desert.jpg?s=612×612&w=0&k=20&c=tsSrulrLGDP5jIBPzj0sptEnqfgF-hadxUpDNIOA5xE=) tells us that the shape (with big long shovel-bladed “teeth”) must be necessary for how the anchor works, not just the weight of it.

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