If animals with the same genus but but different species breed produce infertile offsprings, how come modern humans have traces of Homo Neanderthal DNA


Is Homo genus the exception of this? I have pretty much zero knowledge in biology but been curious about this for a while and can’t get it out of my head.

In: 10

7 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The whole “different species” concept is more of a guideline.

Take a rainbow gradient. 🌈 you can see that there are 7 distinct colors, right?….. or can you? Yeah, you can separate the blue “species” and the red one, but what about blue and green.

Take a blue to green gradient, then zoom way in. Let’s pretend you don’t have a scroll-bar, so you cant tell when you’ve scrolled to the middle.
Can you tell me where blue ends and green begins?

That’s what a species is.

Sometimes two of them appear to both be blue in SOME aspects, but in other traits one of them appears more green (and thus can’t breed).

Sometimes one species definitely seems to be greener than another, but their sex genes are close enough to be compatible.

“Species” is an illusion.

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