if artificial plastics are (mostly) chemically inert, why do they pose such a high biological risk to lifeforms?


We keep hearing the word “microplastic” in our foods, seas, and ground, but if they do not react with most chemicals, why are they a problem in our bodies? Wouldn’t they just ignore them?

In: 227

15 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Also lots of the additives to plastic aren’t inert. BPA is biologically active and resembles the action of sex hormones. Regulators spent years trying to get rid of it with some success. So plastic manufacturers added a new chemical that looks and acts very similar to BPA but isn’t technically the same thing. The long process simply restarts. The real problem is business that doesn’t care about its impact on people at all. See the talcum powder incident for further evidence. The business culture in this country is counter productive to everyone

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