if artificial plastics are (mostly) chemically inert, why do they pose such a high biological risk to lifeforms?


We keep hearing the word “microplastic” in our foods, seas, and ground, but if they do not react with most chemicals, why are they a problem in our bodies? Wouldn’t they just ignore them?

In: 227

15 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The idea of microplastics is relatively new. We discovered them around 20 years ago.

So it’s possible they are inert and do not pose a problem, but we’re not sure we understand them enough yet to say that for sure.

Sometimes people are afraid of things they don’t understand. Some people also make more money when your read things they write. So they write things to make people more afraid, so they read more of these things.

This is one reason it’s important to learn to read and think about what scientists write, so you can decide on your own whether the people telling you that you should be afraid are wise or not.

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