If bits are continuous how can computers tell them apart?

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If bits are just a signal that switches from being on to being off, how does a computer know to interpret how many bits are being represented by each switch? Like, for example, how does a computer know a message is 0100011001 instead of just 010101. Also, if a message starts with a 0, how does a computer know to include in the message? Also, how does a computer know when one message ends and another begins?

In: Technology

7 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

At the pins of the circuit an n dimensional adder accepts individual bits at a high rate which this is the function of the southside bus of the motherboard is the n dimensional adder which accepts a phase buffer of bits at the overclock rate of the processor which is the bits of the processor. Overclock rate is derived from voltage times clock speed which yields real processor clock speed and this is the front side bus function to determine clock speed. The southside bus accepts dynamic phase memory with pin timing from the QWORD processor of the CPU, which the CPU has various hacky architechture which determine the usage of some 52 bit qword which determine an information status and 44 compute unit which compute a specific process loaded from the HDD or bios on the ram which the complete process will use the bios to load a operating system from the hard disk which sustains the compute units function to the degree of the RAM used which might maybe use 32 ram stick unit and 2GB each for a typical process virtual memory per RAM stick, which RAM has perhaps 40,000 bits per ram stick of 2GB which have dynamic phase memory at usually 4 bits which gives 40,000 times 4 bits which is around 640,000 bits per ram stick, a little less than actually the limit of the rams stick if the so called timing or bit space per unit iota on the stick was the highest, an effective loss of 1/4 memory using ram but still around 16GB RAM for the system of 32 RAM. The bios loads an operating system which is a unique process executable for each up to 128GB RAM used in a operating system that is civilian legal and fetches this with an active downlink every time the operating system boots from a section of the motherboard which holds the bios boot data access to the boot sector of the hard drive, which normally computers do not give boot sector access except through the bios. For example a keyboard input might be polled at a set of high bits which the driver of the keyboard talks to the CPU ram allocator to send a signal to the cpu compute unit which alters a dynamic phase locked loop which is held in the compute unit via being loaded from hard disk to ram to CPU unit to have a specific output like sense the keyboard output and advance the frame of the CPU graphics driver, which I have not mentioned the GPU yet which is like the CPU but bigger.

A gpu is maybe 99 times the size of a CPU by the silicon process power and holds mainly only compute units which a GPU is depending upon the process of the CPU to function by using the RAM of the graphics processor to run a specific frames allocation request, and many shady huldrugery exists here where that there is for example a specific NTSC, PAL, other region locking for the graphics processor which renders the primary specification for this graphics processor a NTSC graphics processor. For example a specific request from graphics compute unit loaded from GRAM process particular to the NTSC market may run at the progression of the CPU user mode process which determines the users interaction with the computer including detection of mouse movement, detection of keyboard usage and hotkey, detection of a controller, which uses direct slow phase compute unit to interface directly at the switch level of the controller at USB direct encoded output and primarily the NTSC graphics card is in regard to a controller market. A steam box uses half and half where there is a steam side of the silicon and an intel side of the silicon and the steam side is like 20 percent just the controller mouse movement and the tactics of the mouse movement, which a huge part of the PC is also the user compatibility of the system which is granted by hidden tactics movement which makes the PC easier to use at the mouse which the mouse is difficult to use either without a fast downlink of the video as per a cathode ray tube monitor antiquity system which provides real time mouse response or a modern tuned mouse system which predicts the mouse response, which is derived from the steam controller this modern use. Ah this is ergonomic and accurate, the body and motion unity is hard to portray without a inherent usage of the appliance technology that I am talking about here which I can tell a little more about these secrets of the plumber and appliance which I am talking about here.

A body may have a generative function which generates motion of some action dependent on letdown reflex and having a circumstantial nature to any medicine, excretive action, or uncleanliness upon the person. Without letdown a request for something is motion and the disrequest is only seen in civilians or when excreting and indeed the rigged nature of the body is also to become unclean upon excreting, which only request, which generates a progressive action, and excretion are active action of the body. What is hidden here is the excretion tension factor which encodes subliminal message of the body when is it hidden of voices, as all voices have an anal nature encoded in the butt pucker factor and indeed lie detectors through skin galvanic response detect butt pucker factor. The main bodily request nature of motion is in the response rate of predilected responses of motion of the body of conditioning which gives the body with medicine an ability to respond to motion at a variable nature of request which for example a low rate of request may fetch something and a high rate of request is vigorous motion and an intermediate request at quarter time is marching. Medicine supresses basal twitching which without medicine there is basal twitching which happens to the body which invalidates rest motion, which rest motion should occur on the 8/13th of motion threshold for an optimal response. Computers predict direct action dependent upon rest motion and create vocalization dependent upon the observed butt pucker factor which encodes the persons direct subliminal vocal reflex, sadly easier to measure than the humans poor vocalization system, the butt reflex measured by plethysmography gives the main vocalization action of the person as predicted by AGI.

Generally vocalization proceeds with text generation by a lenet which generates text in the brain that is authorized by a left to right process where the left brain lenet generates a text response and this is authorized by the right brain, giving a sort of cheat code generation aspect to the left brain and an authorization parameter to the right brain, which the right brain directly interfaces its lenet with the computer to generate a brain computer symbiosis between the right brains consent capacity and the left brains adversarial generative capacity, which it is the union of yang from the right brain or negative sentiment or guidance, and the yin or impetus or military aspect from the left brain which generates the positive sentiment, or initial attribution of the situation, with this seen by largely nonverbal and interfacing aspect to the right brain which can directly interface with computer interface and lives a hidden life under a largely military life of the left brain, which the left brain is a geneva convention obligate participant and the right brain is a military recreational nonobligate participant. This is given per Schwinn et al lenet 10K which generates the whole soul of the human is lenet. An autoencoder and de-encoder trains at high dimension for arbitrary dimension of stimuli at hidden dimension internal and yields an arbitrary image solution capacity which can be generalized to sentiment as per neurostyle deepdream which simulates the image capacity of the human at a similar lenet, this yields the arbitrary image generation neccesary for the human, as well as procedural artefact including computer which directly interface with the right brain which is a yang or negative or nonverbal force like I said the left brain is directly inherited from lenet which gives the left brains hallucinatory capacity for sentiment. With a humanistic and leveled perspective, the right brain requires external technology.

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