If bits are continuous how can computers tell them apart?

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If bits are just a signal that switches from being on to being off, how does a computer know to interpret how many bits are being represented by each switch? Like, for example, how does a computer know a message is 0100011001 instead of just 010101. Also, if a message starts with a 0, how does a computer know to include in the message? Also, how does a computer know when one message ends and another begins?

In: Technology

7 Answers

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One way is by using a “pilot wave” which is a constant wave of a known frequency, then encode the signal as different amplitudes. Every period of the wave would signal a single bit, so 3 low periods in a row would be 000

Knowing when a message begins or ends can be done with a starting sequence that is agreed ahead of time, then sending the length of the message at the beginning. The receiver listens until it recognizes the start sequence, then keeps listening until it gets the right number of bits.

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