if black is all colors and white is no colors what is gray?


if black is all colors and white is no colors what is gray?

In: 1072

28 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Lol all these answers are basically the blind leading the blind. Also its the opposite, black is no color.

Grey is basically just ur mind fucking with you. Its basically an illusion.

What we see as color is just the combination of wavelengths an object reflects. True black reflects no wavelength, this is why no light from sun or anything = everything black/dark. White = reflecting all visible wavelengths.

Grey is actually just white but less intense. Our brain can perceive when its less intense, and preveives this as grey.
The same light waves are hitting ur eyeballs .

Check out this illusion, its because our brain is messing with us when we perceive grey, its just intensity of white, not an actual color.

You can also see this with screen resolutions. Rgb stands for red green blue, and the number up to 255 represents its intensity. rgb(255,255,255) is white, mix the maximum red bkue green, rgb(0,0,0) is black.. no color. Rgb(34,34,34) is a dark grey, its emitting all red green blue equally like white, but less intense. Type into google, rgb(100,100,100) or any combination of all the same number and ule get a shade of grey. Its just different intensities of emitting all wavelengths equally aka white.

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