if black is the absence of color and white is all the color how do they make black and white paint?


if black is the absence of color and white is all the color how do they make black and white paint?

In: Chemistry

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

There are 2 main ways to make color. With light, and with pigment.

Light [monitors/TVs] (RGB) the more colour you add, the more light you add. Eventually when you fully saturate all colours it becomes bright white.

Pigment [ink/paint] (CMYK) adding more color makes it darker. When all colours are saturated it becomes black.

So with paint it’d technically be opposite of what you’re saying, but some Paints might be made from pigments extracted from elements that may be pure white or black and not a combination of color. The black absence and all white theory may not exactly work in this situation.

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