If both liver and kidneys are cleaning the blood, what’s the difference between them?


If both liver and kidneys are cleaning the blood, what’s the difference between them?

In: 2613

40 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

That’s easy to explain, but tough to ELI5. My attempt.

Think of the stuff that needs to be cleaned out of your blood as little Lego builds. Think of the kidney as a filter, and the liver like Wreck it Ralph.

If the Lego builds are the right shape and small enough, then they fall through the filter holes of the kidney and get removed from the blood. If they’re too big or the wrong shape, the liver smashes them into smaller pieces so they’ll eventually fit through the filter holes of the kidney. The kidneys and liver work together to clean the blood.

Massive oversimplification, but I reckon that might resonate with my 5 year old. I may even try it out with them using toys to explain it. 🙂

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