If both liver and kidneys are cleaning the blood, what’s the difference between them?


If both liver and kidneys are cleaning the blood, what’s the difference between them?

In: 2613

40 Answers

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there are two ways to deal with toxins in the blood.

* you can turn them into something less toxic, or…
* you can take the toxin out of the blood and dispose of it.

The liver turns toxins into less toxic substances. It can also remove certain toxins from the blood, and dump it into the intestines, so you can poop it out, but mostly it just uses enzymes to chemically converts toxins into chemicals that are harmless (or less harmful).

The kidneys just extract the toxins from the blood, and dumps them into the urine, so you can pee it away. Urine is basically just highly filtered blood, with toxins concentrated into it.

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