BT is split up into different sections, which are supposed to run themselves independently. When BT want to provide a phone line etc to a customer, they have to “rent” the line from the part of the company which owns and maintains the lines, and a regulator tries to make sure that they don’t get preferential treatment, compared with Sky or Talk Talk or any other competitor. The regulator – and UK laws – have set up quite a detailed set of rules which mean that BT have to give a lot of access to their equipment and networks to the competitors, so that real competition can happen to benefit consumers.
This means that the competitors can set their pricing in the same way BT does, based on how much profit they need, any deals or combinations of services where the phone or broadband aspect can be part of an incentive to customers to buy their services, and so so.
Mergers and deals. The CEO of Telus (huge player in Canada) basically learned everything in the UK and merged a bunch of companies in his time there. That’s why you’ve got what you have now and we’ve got him here making 500M a year. He also buddied up with his friends from that time and they’re in Canada too. The UK was basically the training ground for Canada’s telecom monopoly.
BT (the part that will sell you a phone or broadband plan) do not own the lines. Those are owned by OpenReach. The latter is sufficiently independent from BT that they don’t provide BT with preferential rates.
An example more along the lines of your question is mobile phone operators (who do own their masts) being willing to let cheaper phone companies piggyback on their infrastructure.
The prices Openreach Charge the ISPs for the access network portion are publicly available.
The ISP will also need to either have presense in the exchange or use a wholesale carrier to get the data back to their network + will have their own network costs so the price you pay will be a lot more than this.
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