If caffeine blocks the receptors for Adenison, which is responsible for feeling tired/exhausted, why does caffeine help me feel awake in the morning?


After waking up my adenosine level should be very low and l slowly build up upon the day. So why does my morning coffee make me feel awake if there is no adenison to block?

In: 25

9 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Wait till you have limonine(nene? I can never remember) before your caffeine!!!

Get some o that fresh squeezed lemon skin juice in you before coffee. Gives you Laser eyes!!

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After waking up my adenosine level should be very low and l slowly build up upon the day. So why does my morning coffee make me feel awake if there is no adenison to block?

In: 25

9 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Wait till you have limonine(nene? I can never remember) before your caffeine!!!

Get some o that fresh squeezed lemon skin juice in you before coffee. Gives you Laser eyes!!

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