if calories equal energy why do we feel more lethargic on high calorie foods like kebabs, fast food, pizza etc rather than more energetic. And why do we feel more energetic on lighter goods like chicken and salads.


if calories equal energy why do we feel more lethargic on high calorie foods like kebabs, fast food, pizza etc rather than more energetic. And why do we feel more energetic on lighter goods like chicken and salads.

In: 20

9 Answers

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Calories is the energy you get from the chemicals in food you burn. You get them from fats, proteins, sugars/carbohydrates, alcohol and probably some others. These all burn differently. All these are harder or easier to ‘take in’. Sugars are easiest to get into your blood and easiest to burn. That’s why kids go nuts on them. Carbohydrates are chains of sugars that need an extra step to get them into sugars. Fats are the hardest to burn and hardest to get into your blood. So while your body is digesting them it’s working hard to get them out of your digestive tract and stored in your body. Fats do have the highest calorie count/gram. So high calorie food is very often fatty food. While your body is spending energy on digesting them it doesn’t have much energy left for much else so you feel lethargic. Chicken is mostly protein. Salads (the greens) is mostly nothing, just water, fibers and very little sugar, fat and protein.

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