If chalk is such a dense rock why is it so soft/weak?


For example iron is really dense and it’s density seems to be the reason it’s such a strong material, why is the same not true for chalk?

I looked at a chart and chalk is much more dense than so many other types of rock, all of which are much stronger than chalk and could be used practically as building materials etc. But chalk is so soft? Is it because of the porosity? Or structure? Idk

In: 7

7 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The question is not how dense a material is. Density is about lots of molecules of any material being packed very close to each other in a small amount of space.

Strength is about how hard those molecules are holding on to each other.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Density/structure. You hit the nail on the head.

Hardness is a combination of a lot of different things, weight and hardness are not related. Gold is heavy and soft, plutonium is heavy and hard. Carbon is light, and can be charcoal, which you can crush with your hand, or it can be a diamond, the hardest substance on earth!

Anonymous 0 Comments

Mercury is a lot more dense. But try holding it in your hand to compare with Iron or chalk and u will quickly realyse densety has nothing to do with strengh (sincr mercury in your hand will be a licquid… btw, let i be a thought experiment OR use real fucking good protective gear!)

Strengh is about how strong/weak the bonds BETWEEN the molecules hold together. Densety is just how tight it can be packed (like how many nuclear particles it has, meaning a fairly high weight with harldy a bigger nuclear size, or how snug the molecules can sit (but it could still mean the molecules could slide between themselfs if the Bonds isnt strong to hold them togherer)

Styrofoam is stronger than water, yet water is heavier. Diamonds is the strongens natural mineral there is, because the 4 bonded carbon structure is SO rediculus strong, yet carbon is pretty light element so most materials will have a higher DENSETY than diamonds – Iron, steel (a compound material of iron and a little carbon), gold, titanium, or uranium (a quite heavy element) are all weaker and more dense than diamonds.

Anonymous 0 Comments

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What’s less dense than chalk? If I was holding a chalk stick of any other material I feel like it would be heavier. I think it’s one of the least dense materials. Like balsa wood

Anonymous 0 Comments

Density is how tightly packed the atoms are, hardness is how tightly the atoms grip each other.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Density≠strength. Look at water and wood. Wood is fairly strong, water just flows out of the way under load. Density just means you can pack the molecules in really tight, it means nothing in terms of how well those molecules hang on to each other.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Chalk’s density ranges from 1.6 g/cm3 to 2.0 g/cm3. Iron density is 7.87 g/cm3. I’m not sure who’s telling you that chalk is denser than iron.