If chemicals like oxytocin, dopamine, and serotonin are so crucial to our mental health, why can’t we monitor them the same way diabetics monitor insulin?


If chemicals like oxytocin, dopamine, and serotonin are so crucial to our mental health, why can’t we monitor them the same way diabetics monitor insulin?

In: 7327

66 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Also for example with serotonin its not that simple.
The serotonin hypothesis saying that low levels of Serotonin lead to Depression has been disproven. This is the reason why it is questionsble if antidepressants really work on its own or are just placebo. We know just too little about the connection between serotonin levels and mood, which is why it wouldnt have a use monitoring it the same way as insulin.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Blood test for sugar> invented 90yrs ago. Sugars are simple molecules, compared to hormone complex proteins

If you have too much sugar in your blood it suggests your organs aren’t producing enough insulin. Eat more pig pancreas.

They invented many drugs to treat depression back then too, some of them are still available now, called them heroin and cocaine

Anonymous 0 Comments

Mostly because with diabetes you don’t monitor insulin but blood sugar and then administer insulin accordingly.

Measuring blood sugar is relatively easy but you can’t measure how much neurotransmitters are in the blood because they are not in the blood.

Anonymous 0 Comments

A decade ago, I had a mystery illness, and my doctor threw science at the wall to see what sticks.

Turns out it was celiac disease.

But the relevant thing here was that he also had my serotonin tested, and it was wildly low, like three standard deviations low. So **that** blood test **really does exist.**

Anonymous 0 Comments

Also for example with serotonin its not that simple.
The serotonin hypothesis saying that low levels of Serotonin lead to Depression has been disproven. This is the reason why it is questionsble if antidepressants really work on its own or are just placebo. We know just too little about the connection between serotonin levels and mood, which is why it wouldnt have a use monitoring it the same way as insulin.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Blood test for sugar> invented 90yrs ago. Sugars are simple molecules, compared to hormone complex proteins

If you have too much sugar in your blood it suggests your organs aren’t producing enough insulin. Eat more pig pancreas.

They invented many drugs to treat depression back then too, some of them are still available now, called them heroin and cocaine

Anonymous 0 Comments

A decade ago, I had a mystery illness, and my doctor threw science at the wall to see what sticks.

Turns out it was celiac disease.

But the relevant thing here was that he also had my serotonin tested, and it was wildly low, like three standard deviations low. So **that** blood test **really does exist.**

Anonymous 0 Comments

Mostly because with diabetes you don’t monitor insulin but blood sugar and then administer insulin accordingly.

Measuring blood sugar is relatively easy but you can’t measure how much neurotransmitters are in the blood because they are not in the blood.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Also for example with serotonin its not that simple.
The serotonin hypothesis saying that low levels of Serotonin lead to Depression has been disproven. This is the reason why it is questionsble if antidepressants really work on its own or are just placebo. We know just too little about the connection between serotonin levels and mood, which is why it wouldnt have a use monitoring it the same way as insulin.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Blood test for sugar> invented 90yrs ago. Sugars are simple molecules, compared to hormone complex proteins

If you have too much sugar in your blood it suggests your organs aren’t producing enough insulin. Eat more pig pancreas.

They invented many drugs to treat depression back then too, some of them are still available now, called them heroin and cocaine