if Coke Zero has 0 calories…


Wouldn’t that mean I could maintain a calorie deficit while drinking all the Coke Zero I want and still lose weight

Surely that can’t be right?

In: 0

8 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Yes. It’s basically water that tastes sweet. If you drank as much Coke Zero as you wanted and ate/drank nothing else, you would basically be fasting.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s just water with a chemical in it that stimulus the “sweet” receptors in your mouth. There’s no actual sugar or any other source of calories. Drinking it to lose weight is literally the whole point.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The reason it has 0 calories (technically not 0, but due to laws its close enough to 0 that it’s allowed to say 0) is because the chemicals that make it sweet arent properly “digested” by your body, meaning they dont become fuel (aka, calories).

So yes, just like sunbathing in front of a picture of a sunny beach won’t give you a tan, drinking something that isnt converted into calories by your body won’t make you gain weight.

HOWEVER, there are studies linking sweetened drinks to higher hunger and/or thirst. So while the drink itself wont make you gain weight, it **could** cause your behavior to change so as to be more likely to gain weight via other methods.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It might be more difficult to maintain a calorie deficit while drinking sweetened (and suger free sweetend) drinks as they can affect your appetite, sometimes making you more hungry. Coke zero on it’s own…not really going to affect your calorie intake. There has been debate about sweeteners affecting your insulin levels but I don’t know what the modern research shows on that, it might only be a thing for diabetics if at all

Anonymous 0 Comments

No that’s right. The only drawback vs drinking water is that you’re still keeping the sugar addiction going by drinking something that tastes sweet, but that’s not necessarily an issue. And teeth doesn’t appreciate the acidity of soda, even if it’s sugar free.

Anonymous 0 Comments

>I could maintain a calorie deficit while drinking all the Coke Zero I want and still lose weight
. Surely that can’t be right?

Yes, that’s right. It’s (essentially) 0 calories. Calories = energy. Energy-wise, drinking coke 0 is the same as drinking water, or consuming nothing at all.

Anonymous 0 Comments

While Coke Zero has no calories, studies suggest the body responds to the “sweet” triggers created by the artificial sweeteners and powers up the body’s sugar processing, and when there is no sugar consumed it can result in over consumption of other sweets in response.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Or you could just drink water. You’d avoid all the dodgy chemicals, save money and the planet and … it really has what plants crave.

But there’s more to a diet than sugar and chemicals. You need protein to repair your parts, fibre to keep the slurry moving and wipe the pipes clean, and all the vitamins and minerals to make the chemistry work.