If colonizing other planets means living in protected habitats, why not do that on Earth?

509 viewsOtherPlanetary Science

Is it about perceived ethics and population? It would be too difficult to stand by on the same planet thriving while the rest can see it up close? Safety, security etc.?

Is it as simple as planetary colonization being about exploration and very long term advancement more than the disaster escape scenario in my mind?

Or, am I completely missing something else?

EDIT to clarify that I’m not suggesting any artificial habitat that would be lived in now or in the near future, but in the bigger picture of humans needing to adapt to the changing world.

In: Planetary Science

8 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Cost. To make such habitat actually work independently of its surroundings is exceedingly difficult, and it is the more difficult thr smaller the system. We have actually tried to build a reasonably big second “biosphere”, seal it off for a few years, but failed both trials as the closed system could not produce enough food and oxygen due to the difficulty in maintaining all desired plants in good shape.


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