If computer clocks max out somewhere around 5GHz, how is it possible for 100Gbit internet to exist? How does the computer possibly transfer that much data per second?


If computer clocks max out somewhere around 5GHz, how is it possible for 100Gbit internet to exist? How does the computer possibly transfer that much data per second?

In: 591

31 Answers

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it is easy to create a very high speed clock signal in one small area on a chip, ie at 100 ghz even faster then you ask about. however to make that clock signal work over a larger area on the chip reliably through more logic circuits it is very hard. as a result often a chip will have high speed areas or islands and slower speed areas.

another factor is 1 data bit at a time [in serial form] verses 8,16,32,64 or 128 bits in parallel [all at the same time].

likewise at high speed it is easy to line up 1 signal correctly, but really hard to get all 8, or 16 or 32 or 64 or 128 bits to line up correctly at the same time.

this is why you see/hear of interfaces like pcie x2, x4, x8 etc rather then 1 bit at a time they use 2bits, or 4 etc the clock rate is the same but they transfer 2bits, or 4 bits, etc per clock signal

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