If computer clocks max out somewhere around 5GHz, how is it possible for 100Gbit internet to exist? How does the computer possibly transfer that much data per second?


If computer clocks max out somewhere around 5GHz, how is it possible for 100Gbit internet to exist? How does the computer possibly transfer that much data per second?

In: 591

31 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Hertz and bits are completely different things. Hertz is about time, bit is about volume/size. Cpu does a calculation 5 billion times a second, lets say. Internet cable carries that calculation’s outcome “chunk” from here to there either 1 by 1 or 100 pieces at a time. So a chef cooks 6 steaks at a time but the waiter might be able to carry 6 of them at once or 2 at once. Waiter and Chef are two separate things and they do two different things.

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