If computers and phones and other electronics are programmed to follow codes and don’t have a conscious to think freely. How do they end up crashing and what causes them to do a task they’ve done hundreds of times before, wrong?


If computers and phones and other electronics are programmed to follow codes and don’t have a conscious to think freely. How do they end up crashing and what causes them to do a task they’ve done hundreds of times before, wrong?

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7 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The answer is that the computer hasn’t done it correct thousands of times before. Because the time it crashed was the time that certain variables randomly ended up it a particular configuration, or completely by chance three different independent processes tried to access the same thing on the computer and the conflict caused a crash, or maybe this particular time a random stray radio wave made a 1 into a 0 and whoops that cascaded into something bad.

There’s an **insane** amount of events happening in a computer. If anything, it’s a wonder they aren’t constantly crashing.

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