If computers and phones and other electronics are programmed to follow codes and don’t have a conscious to think freely. How do they end up crashing and what causes them to do a task they’ve done hundreds of times before, wrong?


If computers and phones and other electronics are programmed to follow codes and don’t have a conscious to think freely. How do they end up crashing and what causes them to do a task they’ve done hundreds of times before, wrong?

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7 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Most of the time it’s badly worded commands. For example, if I told you to divide 15 by Burgers you’d tell me I’m being silly. A computer would try to divide 15 by Burgers and fail, causing it to crash or at least return an error. Normally, we weed out cases that cause this in the debugging phase but occasionally we get fringe cases where nobody anticipated that particular input or nobody thought you’d ask the computer to do a specific combination of tasks.

Of course, this isn’t the only reason computers crash. Sometimes s the computer ran out of short term memory. Sometimes this means the CPU overheated because it hasn’t been dusted in 10 years. Sometimes it’s because static electricity got into the wires and caused a bit to appear where it’s not expected. Sometimes the magnetic fields within the chip caused a bit to flip despite the bit not being connected to that circuit. Honestly, its a wonder we keep these computers working at all.

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