If computers and phones and other electronics are programmed to follow codes and don’t have a conscious to think freely. How do they end up crashing and what causes them to do a task they’ve done hundreds of times before, wrong?


If computers and phones and other electronics are programmed to follow codes and don’t have a conscious to think freely. How do they end up crashing and what causes them to do a task they’ve done hundreds of times before, wrong?

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7 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Pretty much analogous to how pipes in a house can work for years and still at some point, burst and need replacing. Or how a faucet works many thousands of times but the seals eventually fail.

It is completely unclear why the concept of failure and glitches would have anything to do with consciousness. The tap didn’t “intend” to fail. The pipe didn’t “intend” to burst. There is no reason to conjure up some mystical consciousness when an electronic device fails.

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