If computers and phones and other electronics are programmed to follow codes and don’t have a conscious to think freely. How do they end up crashing and what causes them to do a task they’ve done hundreds of times before, wrong?


If computers and phones and other electronics are programmed to follow codes and don’t have a conscious to think freely. How do they end up crashing and what causes them to do a task they’ve done hundreds of times before, wrong?

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7 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

computers are(imho) best described as ” very patient and very literal workers”, they can do any task you instruct them on millions or billions of times.

-their best upside is that they do Exactly what you tell them to.

-their biggest downside is that they do **Exactly** what you tell them to do.

everything we perceive as a ” bug” , “crash” or “error” when it comes ot software design is ultimately because the programmer made a mistake in their logic, or the user attempted to do something the software didnt expect and therefore has no code made to handle it.

a computer doesnt ” guess”, you either have logic already setup to tell it how ot handle a situation it may encounter, or you dont and your program will crash/throw out an error/behave unpredictably(more often than not just crashing) when an unaccounted situation crops up.

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