if Earth rotates so fast, why does it always look still from outer space?


if Earth rotates so fast, why does it always look still from outer space?

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9 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Imagine holding a ball at arm’s length and rotating it so slowly it would take 24 hours to rotate it. That’s really slow, right? That’s what the photo from space looks like.

It only sounds fast when we hear it in everyday units like miles per hour because the earth is really big.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Earth rotates fast in the sense that the linear speed of the rotation at the equator is fast. It does not rotate fast in the sense that it makes a full spin quickly (it doesn’t; it makes a full spin in – from a distant perspective – 23 hours and 56 minutes).

If you were floating just above the equator and not co-rotating with the Earth, you would see the land below you flying by at an extremely fast pace (about 1.5x the speed of sound). But if you’re in space, you’re quite far from the surface of the Earth – at least a hundred miles or so – so that speed doesn’t look too too fast.

In the very best case, where you’re 100 miles above the Earth, not in orbit, and not co-rotating at all, you’d see the Earth move at a speed of about 0.2 degrees across your field of view per second. That isn’t nothing, and you probably would notice it if you were paying attention, but it’s easily lost in other motion. For comparison’s sake, [a finger at arm’s length covers about 1 degree](https://www.timeanddate.com/astronomy/measuring-the-sky-by-hand.html), so an object directly below you would take about 5 seconds to cross the width of your finger at arm’s length. Or, put another way, it would move across your field of view at about the same rate as a person walking slowly on the other side of a football field from you.

Fundamentally, it looks slow because of [parallax](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parallax): faraway objects don’t move across your field of view very quickly even when they’re moving very fast.

In practice, though, you never get even that much, because:

* If you’re in orbit anywhere near the Earth, you’re actually moving *faster* than the Earth rotates (by a lot!), so you mostly see *your* movement over its surface. You’re also higher than the 100 miles in our example: both active space stations (the ISS and China’s Tiangong) orbit at about 250 miles up.
* If you’re not in orbit, you probably just launched from the surface of the Earth, and you still have the horizontal momentum you started with, so you’re still more-or-less co-rotating with the Earth.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It takes 24 hours for the earth to make one rotation on its axis- it’s roughly 1000MPH. If you were to sit in the exact same spot in space for say, 6 hours, you would be able to observe the Earth make a quarter rotation – about 6250 miles.

For contrast, NY to Hawaii is about 5000 miles. Beijing in Eastern China to Istanbul in Western Turkey is about 7000 miles. You would be able to notice the change, but six hours is a long time to observe for, so you may not really perceive it.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Anything that gets launched into space is already going at least the same speed as the Earth’s rotation. It’s not like it gets to space and then just slows down on its own. If anything it might be going faster than the Earth is rotating.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Perhaps the video is being taken from a geosynchronous orbit? Or a still photograph?

Anonymous 0 Comments

A lot of really good answers already. One thing I didn’t see mentioned is you may also see videos from geostationary orbits which would make it look like the earth isn’t rotating at all (though if you pay attention you’ll notice space is “rotating” behind it). Could be messing with your perception depending on the context.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The numbers you’re hearing are linear speed, not angular speed.

vᵣ=rω where v is the linear speed, r is the radius of rotation and ω is the angular speed.

For earth, r = 3950 mi, and ω = 15°/h. This gives vᵣ= 3950×15×π÷180=1034.107666 mi/h (π÷180 is just a unit conversion) at the equator. Sound familiar?

Now, what really matters is ω – that 15°/h. This is half the angular speed of the hour hand on a clock. The hour hand on a clock goes around twice in a day, which works out to 30°/h. That’s not a movement we can easily perceive when viewed from altitudes like the one the *Blue Marble* photo was taken at, the perspective we have of the earth is very similar to the perspective we have of a clock. The angular speed is just slow enough we can’t perceive it.

Edit: unit errors in my math

Anonymous 0 Comments

also as well as what others have already said, some space craft often orbit in geosynchronous orbit, which means they hold position above the earth by moving at the same speed as the rotation, so if you and the earth are rotating at the same relative speed it will look like it’s not moving

Anonymous 0 Comments

OK, what about the fact that earth is orbiting the sun at 67,000mph? How is it possible to see the earth from space if earth is constantly moving that fast and there’s no way a space station or satellite can move that fast with earth and follow it?