Say a emperoror decides to visit a kingdom and orders the king to vacate their throne and allow the emperor to sit upon it. for as long as he was in the kingdom’s capital Would the king be bound to listen to his “king”? Could the emperor, as the king’s ruler, overrule any of the king’s rulings as per his wish? Say the king wanted to avoid war with a neighboring country but the emperor wanted it, who would the people listen to?
In: Other
All power grows form the barrel of a gun. Or the tip of a spear. There are definite historical examples of empires with multiple kingdoms under their rule who had great direct power over their subjects. There are other examples where the emperor was less strong than their underlings and had to play careful politics to stay in power. Smart leaders gathered soft and hard power and used it to control underlings. The less capable and the less lucky did not.
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