If fat is stores of energy, then why aren’t fat people more energetic than skinny people?


If fat is stores of energy, then why aren’t fat people more energetic than skinny people?

In: 302

33 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Because they’re not using it, they’re storing it. If it was being used then it wouldn’t be accumulating.

Edit: in a little less eli5 extra bit, fat isn’t “stored energy” in that sense. It’s stored fuel/components. It has to be broken down and converted into glucose (eventually, after several other breakdown and use processes) like anything else, and it takes energy to do so. It also takes additional energy to store and carry fat. So an excess of stored fat actually puts you at an energy deficit.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Energy and mass are interchangeable, so a lot of fat is technically a lot of energy, but a lot of energy means a lot of mass. A large body of mass is hard to move.

Fatness has nothing to do with being fit. Two people who are equally fit may get to the same speed at the same time, but if one is laden with body fat, then the inertia of the mass prevents them from accelerating as quickly.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The gas at the gas station doesn’t make your car run if you don’t fill your car up with it

You’ve gotta burn the fat to get the benefits of the energy stored within

Anonymous 0 Comments

They sure are. Fat people stuffed into bomb calorimeters consistently give higher readings than skinny people.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Ketosis is a slow process. It is fast enogh to provide energy if you’re bed ridden but it’s not fast enough to maintain something like running. In a recent study I saw, looking at why athletes were not losing weight with restricted calories and high intensity activities, looking for the energy sources in those cases it was shown that in “emergencies” like that the body compensates by shutting down imune system functions and other energy consuming systems and uses the energy thise systems would be using. So in effect your BMR drops massively and you use far less energy than you would otherwise.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The potential energy is stored as fat. People with fast metabolism can literally turn calories into energy efficiently whereas people with slow metabolism store calories as fat.

Anonymous 0 Comments

A car can only use a certain amount of gas at a time. A car with 12 gallon gas tank wouldn’t go faster if the gas tank was replaced with one that held 120 gallons.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Cause they’re different kind of fat. White and brown, brown protect against the cold for exemple and quick to release for an caloric need but it’s long and very difficult to built contrary to white fat

Anonymous 0 Comments

Analogy: A car with a full tank of gas isn’t “more energetic” than a car with a quarter tank of gas….

Anonymous 0 Comments

i literally never feel like i dont have the energy to do something, i see skinny people all the time talkin bout I’m tired lol acting lethargic cause they “havent eaten yet today.”