If feces is the bits of food that our body couldn’t digest or use, is it possible to eat a diet that our bodies can use 100% and never have to defecate? And, if so, could such a diet ever be healthy or would it always be deficient in some nutrients?


If feces is the bits of food that our body couldn’t digest or use, is it possible to eat a diet that our bodies can use 100% and never have to defecate? And, if so, could such a diet ever be healthy or would it always be deficient in some nutrients?

In: 90

22 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

We are not able to get to 100% but there have been a lot of research into low residue diets. This is used as part of some medical therapies as well as by the military. It mainly consists of reducing the intake of fiber as well as a few other adjustments. And you are right that it is not something you would want to maintain for long periods of time. But almost all food have at least some fiber, cellulose, or other hard to digest substances. And if the food does not have it the bacteria in our gut will make these things. So it is impossible to have a diet that reduces your feces to nothing.

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