– If grass spreads, why do we get patchy lawns?


So if grass spreads by it seeds getting into every nook and cranny, how come we get patchy gardens?

In: 3

2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Grass is a hardy plant but it’s not invincible. It can struggle to take root in dry and compacted dirt, areas of heavy shade, areas that are constantly waterlogged, areas with high foot traffic, areas poisoned by winter salt or jerk-ass trees with toxic leaves…

The barren spots in my own yard are the north-facing bits that get very little direct sunlight and the low spots that are often swampy.

If you’re really struggling to get a spot to seed, you may have to try a different kind of plant better adapted to whatever’s going on there, or a non-plant landscaping.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Grass is a living organism. Even the hardiest living organisms can’t survive everything. So when they die they are no longer alive and the new space will be taken by a new grass seed. However these seeds might not germinate for a variety of reasons such as being eaten or stepped on thus creating patchy lawns.