If Homosapiens survived the last mass extinction how is there almost 8 billions Humans now? Are we all related? Is every human related in some way?


If Homosapiens survived the last mass extinction how is there almost 8 billions Humans now? Are we all related? Is every human related in some way?

In: 80

19 Answers

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Theoretically, some of us could be as distant as 150k years – if populations were completely isolated (eg southern Africans distant from Polynesians or the people of Tierra del Fuego. BUT – there is pretty much always a constant, if very small – degree of contact. Aleutians were in contact with north-east Siberians and Alaskans; the high Arctic peoples interacted with populations to their south and each other, people from Papua met people in northern Australia and so on. Given that the second thing people do after meeting is fuck, we are all related quite closely.

Example: DNA analysis of a village in south-western Scotland showed most people to be descended from the neolithic arrivals into the area, with an admixture of Irish, Norse etc over the years. But also some DNA from remote Siberia, probably back in late medieval times. How? Nobody knows. Maybe some fur-trader picked up a concubine in Yakutia, sold her to a guy in Samarkand, who met some Rus on the Volga who…? In the same vein, an adventurer in the 16th century swapped two blondes for a small kingdom on the middle Niger. Presumably their DNA lingers yet in the Hausa country.

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