If humans can go weeks without eating, why do we eat 3 times a day?


If humans can go weeks without eating, why do we eat 3 times a day?

In: 4549

24 Answers

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3 times a day is just what we do in our modern culture. You can eat any amount of meals/day. As your body works you will get hungry when it is out of calories. The more often you go between eating the better you’ll adapt to being hungry. Some people need to eat every two hours to not be assholes. Some people eat every couple days because they’re not expending very much. Strongmen and body builders eat in a week what I’d eat in a month. Meth heads don’t even think about it for days. There is a certain amount of food that your specific body needs to be eating to avoid going catabolic, digesting itself. That can be eaten in any number of meals or days

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