If humans have been in our current form for 250,000 years, why did it take so long for us to progress yet once it began it’s in hyperspeed?


We went from no human flight to landing on the moon in under 100 years. I’m personally overwhelmed at how fast technology is moving, it’s hard to keep up. However for 240,000+ years we just rolled around in the dirt hunting and gathering without even figuring out the wheel?

In: 15733

42 Answers

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It’s not entirely accurate to say that humans stopped evolving. We only gained the ability to drink animal milk a few thousand years ago, for example.

Think of it like a landslide. One or two Pebbles falling won’t have any impact, but once you get enough of them going at the same time, they start a chain reaction that becomes way bigger than what kicked it off.

Combine the ability to drink animal milk with domestication and suddenly you can colonize huge swaths of land that were formerly uninhabitable. Now you have way more people, which allows for way faster progress.

That’s just one example.

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