If hurricanes emit the energy of 10,000 nuclear bombs, what inputs this much energy?


NASA says that during a hurricanes lifecycle, it can expend as much energy as 10,000 nuclear bombs. Because energy can’t be created, what is the cause of that energy input?

In: Earth Science

7 Answers

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The sun puts out far more energy than that by orders of magnitude. More energy is emitted by the sun in a day than has been used by all of humanity ever. Grant you only a tiny amount of that hits the earth but still gives a sense of scale.

In this case energy actually is created. Effectively the sun converts matter into energy just as all nuclear reactions do. The sun operates on fustian where nuclear reactors function of fission reactions but the idea is the same that matter is converted into energy. The exact science is a bit complex for the uninitiated but the sun turns hydrogen atoms (the same that make up water molecules) into energy.

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