If I brush my teeth in the morning and fast for 7 hours, my breath still smells kinda ok. But if I brush my teeth before bed then wake after 7 hours, it’s less pleasant. What’s happening to be different?


If I brush my teeth in the morning and fast for 7 hours, my breath still smells kinda ok. But if I brush my teeth before bed then wake after 7 hours, it’s less pleasant. What’s happening to be different?

In: 6

5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Constantly producing saliva and swallowing during the day flushes out the bacteria and prevents them from accumulating as much. Drier mouth and no swallowing through the night allows more bacteria growth and accumulation. More bacteria = more bacteria poop = more smell.

Anonymous 0 Comments

From what I understand from Dr Carl. Stomach and even intenstinal gases can get into your mouth he called it bum breath.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Closed mouth.

Bacteria multiply as you’re not swallowing.

The bacteria are also working anaerobicically (absense of oxygen) which produces more smelly waste.

Anonymous 0 Comments

While you sleep, you tend to keep your mouth open a bit. Instead of swallowing saliva to wash bacteria down to your stomach, you mouth tends to be more dry and the bacteria stick where they are and multiply. The bacteria are what smells.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Brush before bed, but not RIGHT BEFORE going to bed. Brushing makes your mouth dry so brush a few hours before bed and your saliva production will restart and give you enough to keep most bacteria at bay. Bacteria love warm and dry and so going to bed with essentially dry mouth will explode bacteria production.