So let’s say a house has 150 AMP service, and there were two dedicated 15 AMP breakers dedicated to this device, does the current split evenly, to work like 30AMPs, or would it trip at 15 AMPs?
This is a theoretical question, I assume code would be against this anyway, and I would not do it, but would it work?
In: Engineering
can be rephrased as “can I share a load across two breakers” or “can I parallel two breakers to increase current capacity”. yes you can. but it is extremely unsafe and someone may die.
if one breaker cuts out for any reason, the entire load gets carried by the other breaker. if one of the two neutrals on your 30A load gets disconnected for any reason, the entire load gets carried by the other neutral. the breaker only protects the hots. the remaining neutral will melt and burn.
all this is assuming your two breakers are on the same phase. if they are not then you will get 220V instead and just blow up your device.
get an electrician.
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